Another day goes by on this blasted boat, but from the sounds of things on deck this should be our last. How many days has it been since we left Nifelheim, war-torn and rotting in the hands of those evil sods that stole our lands and killed our king? Seems like ages ago now. At least I've managed to find myself some entertainment on this rocking hulk of wood. Bren Arosoth, a homeless looking kook with wild stories about the lands far beyond our own is always good for a tale or two (although his stories would be better with some ale in me belly). And Braune of Artois who is lucky I didn't sock in the shnozz the moment we met as he went rambling on about his precious "Lady of the Lake". It's just been a blast watching him slowly run out of refugees to talk to about his lovely "Lady" (again, would be better with some ale).
There seems to be a commotion on deck, we must be nearing the port in Farthen! I can finally rest my feet on solid ground and maybe find meself a good drink.
As discussed on our last Post Credit Show, Graham has been hosting a Warhammer RPG game every Sunday for the last few weeks. I, Nick, have been taking part and so far there have been some pretty crazy adventures that we'd love to share with you. And so we will!
I have begun to document our games quite thoroughly in the last few weeks and still have a good enough brain to remember the important stuff from our first few trials and tribulations after coming to shore on a boat with a homeless wizard and charcoal burner who won't stop talking about the lady of the lake. I'll post here as often as possible and hope to catch up so that you can read of our adventures on a weekly basis. We hop you enjoy! P.S. This also gives me the chance to start writing again and as much as I love talking, writing is one of those things that I miss doing. Hopefully if this takes off you'll start seeing more reviews or other such editorials start popping up on the site. |
About Barrel RollsBarrel Rolls is where Nick will be transferring the stories from Graham's Warhammer Fantasy RPG to the internet. He's adding his own twists to some of the scenes, but only so they flow better as a narrative. The actions taken and scenes themselves will not be altered. Archives |